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Backup and Restore




內容的版本管理方式 Plone 2.5 備份 script

blob 備份方法 rsync specify datetime with find var/blobstorage/.layout 如果沒有備份的話,系統啟動時會重建,但重建的內含值可能錯誤,例如 lawn 而不是 bushy 會造成 POSKeyError: 'No blob file'

$ rsync -avzh backup


環境變數 ZEO_PACK_KEEP_OLD 會轉變成 pack-keep-old = false 之類的設定值。

Full Backup and Incremental Backup

bin/backup 的備份方式,分成完整備份 (Full Backup) 和增量備份 (Incremental Backup) 兩種類型,第一次執行時會是完整備份,之後都是增量備份,直到系統執行數據庫擠壓 (pack) 的工作後,才會再次使用完整備份。

執行數據庫擠壓的工作,是進入 Plone 配置,點選「維護」項目。擠壓後保留的對象歷史天數,默認值是 7 天,點選「馬上擠壓數據庫」,系統開始執行數據庫的擠壓工作。


$ tar --exclude='myplone/zinstance/var/blobstoragebackups' \
      --exclude='hostplone/zinstance/var/backups' \
      -cvpzf backup-folder/myplone-20121122.tgz myplone

Plone Backup Checklist

The complete backup for a customized Plone instance, should include:

  • content
  • customization
  • products
  • external methods
  • zope configuration files
  • translation files

However, the most important file is Data.fs.


先確認 Plone 系統已經停止,將 var/filestorage/Data.fs 更名為 var/filestorage/Data.fs.20110505 之類的備份檔名,執行 bin/restore 程式。

Cron Jobs

操作技巧文件 實務建議

As of Zope 2.13, you can register scripts for the zopectl.command entry point. These will be treated as new commands on the bin/instance controller script.

<         storages=[{'backup_location': '/opt/shiji/zinstance/var/backups',
<   'blob_backup_location': '/opt/shiji/zinstance/var/blobstoragebackups',
<   'blob_snapshot_location': '/opt/shiji/zinstance/var/blobstoragesnapshots',
>         storages=[{'backup_location': '/opt/backup/shiji/datafs',
>   'blob_backup_location': '/opt/backup/shiji/blob',
>   'blob_snapshot_location': '/opt/backup/shiji/blob_shots',
<   'snapshot_location': '/opt/shiji/zinstance/var/snapshotbackups',
>   'snapshot_location': '/opt/backup/shiji/datafs_shots',

var/blobstoragebackups 裡會建立 blobstorage.0 目錄,下次會先把 blobstorage.0 rotate 成 blobstorage.1 再建立新的 blobstorage.0 目錄,依序完整備份 blob 檔案內容,最近的目錄名稱是 blobstorage.0。在 collective.recipe.backup 設定 blob_timestamps = true 可以改用時間戳記,而不用執行 rotate。



The essential script to backup the Data.fs file is repozo. Plone 3.x and 4.x use slightly different commands to do the real work.

Plone 3.x

$ bin/repozo -BQv -r /path/to/backup-dir -f /path/to/Plone/zinstance/var/filestorage/Data.fs
$ bin/repozo -R -r /path/to/backup-dir -o myData.fs

Plone 4.0.x

Run bin/backup and it will call the repozo script. If there is no bin/repozo, the easiest way is to add a new section in the buildout.cfg:

parts =

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = ZODB3
scripts = repozo

In case no show in bin folder, dependent-scripts = true might be needed.

Plone 4.1.x Later

Simply run bin/backup that should work with bin/repozo by default.

INFO: Please wait while backing up database file:
 /home/marr/plone/zinstance/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /home/marr/backup/plone_datafs
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /home/marr/plone/zinstance/var/blobstorage to /home/marr/backup/plone_blob
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.4 to blobstorage.5.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.3 to blobstorage.4.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.2 to blobstorage.3.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.1 to blobstorage.2.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage.1
 /home/marr/plone/zinstance/var/blobstorage /home/marr/backup/plone_blob/blobstorage.0
INFO: Removed 1 blob backup(s), the latest 14 day(s) of backups have been kept.

ZODB Blob 個別設定

In Plone, if you have problems with blobs and you view a message like this: “No blob file”.

Sometimes is good to know, which file is “not found”… (normally the path where you copied the file is not correct) :)

If you edit the file:

(In the frontend)

vi ./eggs/ZODB3-3.10.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/ZEO/ line 1020 is:

raise POSException.POSKeyError(“No blob file”, oid, serial)

And put this line before:

raise POSException.Unsupported(“Blob not found”, blob_filename)

Then if you start the instance in foreground, you can see the name file and the path in the log.

讓每個 Plone instance 有獨立的 Data.fs 和 BlobStorage,會帶來備份時的彈性,但設定上也變得更複雜。


  • zodb-mountpoint indicates the location of the various bodies
  • blob-storage is the path to save the blob to the filesystem
  • parts is the list of instances to be configured
  • % (Fs_part_name) s is automatically replaced with the contents of the variable parts



Simply tar ball of Plone might not work in different Linux.

$ file /home/marr/Plone/Python-2.4/bin/python
ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV),
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, not stripped

ZEO server and updateRoleMappings() need checking.

Log Rotation


INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /opt/plone/zinstance/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /nfs/backup/plone_datafs
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /opt/plone/zinstance/var/blobstorage to /opt2/backup/plone_blob
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.12 to blobstorage.13.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.11 to blobstorage.12.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.10 to blobstorage.11.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.9 to blobstorage.10.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.8 to blobstorage.9.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.7 to blobstorage.8.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.6 to blobstorage.7.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.5 to blobstorage.6.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.4 to blobstorage.5.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.3 to blobstorage.4.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.2 to blobstorage.3.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.1 to blobstorage.2.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage.1 /opt/plone/zinstance/var/blobstorage /opt2/backup/plone_blob/blobstorage.0

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