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In-Plone Theme Editor

A through-the-web editor for Diazo/ customization is discussed and developed. The goal is to make Plone the world's easiest CMS to theme.
In-Plone Theme Editor

Diazo Concept

It is a significant milestone that is included in Plone 4.2, but creating themes and uploading as zip files is not an effective way to create a new theme. A sensible environment is needed in which designers and administrators can create themes without filesystem access or knowledge of Buildout or Python, whilst still allowing them to reuse and download/distribute (via zip files) themes or progress to filesystem development.

PLIP 1227 describes this needs, and the core work is a theme editor expected to be included in Plone 4.3. The discussion and development work keeps going. Hopefully amazing results will arrive soon.

Plone's Theme Editor from Eric Steele on Vimeo.

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