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內容網址的轉換或 Alias

HTTP Request and Response

Link 欄位使用 ${navigation_root_url}/zh/camp 之類的網址,可能會當造成 ${root_url}/en/zh/camp 的結果。

content 接的數字是秒數 <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=" />

JavaScript 方式 <script>document.location.href="";</script> Products.RedirectionTool: Allow External URL Nginx 不足之處

collective.alias vs.alias

Move patch from plone.protect 3.x to Actions.RedirectTo Products.RedirectionTool PLIP into Core

Sitemap.xml (Sitemaps) is a protocol exposing website pages for the search engines. Beyond hinting crawler bots you can find some creative uses for it.
Apache Redirects from Sitemaps

Generating Apache redirects from sitemap.xml for WordPress using Python 讓你讀取 sitemap.xml 裡的網址資訊,自動產生 Apache .htaccess 的轉址規則。

RedirectionTool handles redirection within a custom standard_error_message template. Check if you have created a custom standard_error_message template, or you have changed the order of layers in portal_skins.
