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DNS, AWS, Azure, HTTPS Name-based virtual host 不支援 SSL功能? TTL how-to-get-https-working-on-your-local-development-environment im-afraid-you-re-thinking-about-aws-lambda-cold-starts-all-wrong automating-static-content-sharing-on-social-media-using-serverless-aws-lambda-aws-aurora-aws DNS with HTTPs How To Get HTTPS Working on Your Local Development Environment

supervisord.conf papavisor HTTPS PLIP LetsEncrypt Crobtab Setup CloudFlare Drop Your Hosting Provider with CloudFlare Warp 使用經驗 Rewriting URLs to HTTPS Netlify

2015 公有雲的 VM 比佔從 2% 上升到 6%,成長快速但比重還不大。

Serverless Architecture Pros and Cons Serverless Monitoring

Amazon Web Services

Basics of running anything on AWS: setup, run, log

AWS Free Tier: 可用 EC2, S3, RDS, Lambda, QuickSight 和 Eligible Software (分 Free 和 Paid Software),如果沒超過限額,可免費十二個月,稱為 12 Month Introductory Period。EC2 Instance Type 分成 General Purpose, Compute Optimized, Memory Optimized 類型,各自又有子項,硬體規格稍有不同。

2015/05 使用心得: 除 Dropbox 外,從 Flickr, Picasa, Facebook 利用 EC2 + cURL 取得相片檔案再轉存到 S3 大概 1秒,相同 Region 的資料互換不用錢。留意 micro 機器好像沒有 /mnt 方便建立 AMI。選擇 AMI 範例 S3 + Lambda + DynamoDB + API Gateway

Deploy Node.js App to AWS Elastic BeanStalk


入門說明: 包括 Visual Studio 整合示範,使用 網址。

移至 AWS 的經驗


免費的機器有「30 分鐘沒有人連線的話就會進入休眠」以及「每天至少要休眠 8 小時」的限制,如果是創業初期,可先選擇每個月 7 元方案,待使用者變多、網站流量開始變大之後可再昇級更高等級的設備。

成功範例 heroku buildpack heroku-buildpack-plone github submodule init failed heroku blog Command Line Tool rename and update git remotes Deploy Mern Stack App

$ heroku --version
$ heroku login
$ heroku git:clone -a myapp

One of the challenges of Heroku is its ephemeral filesystem, this usually means that Plone's filesystem Data.fs disappears on Heroku restarts/rebuilds. The Plone buildpack solves this by using Relstorage on Postgresql instead of Filesystem storage.

定期檢查 Heroku App 的工具

host a Python server for a Recast.AI bot using Github and Heroku Bot Server

Cloud9 IDE 注意: 要使用 sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv 來安裝

Bitnami: Ubuntu 14.04.1 + Plone 4.3.6

WebFaction: 256MB RAM for $5.50/month, 512MB RAM for $12.50/month for $5/month

Plesk Apache Rewrite Rule Config Needs Specific Folder Location

Moving Plone Site From AWS To WebFaction


Ubuntu 14.04 使用 3 版,Ubuntu 15.04 使用 4 版。

Varnish -> Zopes for HTTP. And Nginx / Apache -> Varnish -> Zopes for HTTPS

Plone Cloud Hosting

Warming Varnish Cache VarnishReplay

$ ssh varnishlog -w - | varnishreplay -a localhost:6081 -r -

GSSAPIAuthentication UseDNS 登入時會產生 DNS 查詢,關閉這兩個設定,可加速回應時間。


Using Lets-encrypt and Nginx

Lets Encrypt get started