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Notebook, Lab JupyterLab 被稱為 Data Science UI,第一個原因來自於支援多類核心,語言中立的特性,讓它快速成為 Open Source 社群的共同操作介面,還有週邊社群投入模組和 widget 開發。 Best Practice IPython Magic Commands Tips, Tricks, Hacks, and Magic: How to Effortlessly Optimize Your Jupyter Notebook

open-sourcing-polynote-an-ide-inspired-polyglot-notebook A-gallery-of-interesting-Jupyter-Notebooks Effortlessly Optimize Jupyter Notebook XBlocks Open edX gradebook Robotics: inspired by Qt and RViz

Beginning Data Science with Python and Jupyter: 從資料科學的角度,可以將 Jupyter Notebook 分成 Lab-style 和 Deliverable 兩類,前者通常把研究資料的載入、處理、分析、模型,依時序都記錄下來,以供未來參考,後者通常是用於展示的場合,依照閱聽對象,只選取需要的部份。

Wush 入門 R 語言 DataScienceAndR Hadley Wickham 改變 R 社群 swirl 是學習工具,有人認為 Jupyter Notebook 提供類似效果。

jupyter-notebook for-beginners a-tutorial integrating Jupyter and Sage ActivePages: good for teaching, not good for research, lock-in

# If you use conda:
$ conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab

# If you use pip:
$ pip install jupyterlab

jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyterlab --sys-prefix

# If you have a JupyterHub environment :

//Install JupyterLab and then install this extension
jupyter labextension install @jupyterlab/hub-extension
//Edit "" and add/edit the following line
c.Spawner.default_url = '/lab'
//This issue may be useful for troubleshooting

商業公司 SAS kernel, SPARQL querying

Setup Python Environment for Machine Learning

Free Service: restful service Build Machine Learning Services Prototype Real Applications and Deploy Your Work

multiprocessing.dummy how-to-automatically-import-your-favorite-libraries

BeakerX is a collection of kernels and extensions to the Jupyter interactive computing environment. It provides JVM support, Spark cluster support, polyglot programming, interactive plots, tables, forms, publishing, and more.

MultiVolume Rendering with iPyVolume 3D Visualization Setup JupyterLab Project Environment

Extensions 3 Must-Have

How to Write Jupyter Notebook Extension open-sourcing Polynote: IDE-inspired Polyglot Notebook Running Notebook in Visual Studio



Sample Code: Olympic

Jupyter Notebook Tricks for Data Science that Enhance Your Efficiency Colab 入門 collab pytorch

SQL jupyterhub-deploy-teaching

Zero to JupyterHub with Kubernetes Classroom Practice authenticator

Control Notebook 指定啟動資料夾

ipywidgets qgrid altair Tableau better for large data


Slurm Resource Manager dynamic DDNS


conda install jupyter
conda install -c conda-forge nbgrader

To initialize this nbextension in the browser every time the notebook (or other app) loads:

jupyter nbextension enable nbgrader --py --sys-prefix

Use JupyterHub with nbgrader: Python for the GeoSciences

Tips and Plugins Collapsible Section

nbdime: diffing merging nbval: py.test plugin

pytudes: Peter Norvig deepnote

Wes Turner: BinderHub generates Docker images from Git repos with repo2docker, which checks certain configuration files for dependency specifications. is a free BinderHub service supported by donations.

pynb: 利用 nbconvert 轉成 Python 程式碼+Markdown文字

hydrongen: Light Table + Atom

Connect to Deep Learning VM Instance

integrate-jupyterlab-with-google-drive Streamlit: app framework for ML engineer