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Web Authentication Google OAuth2 with Vue.js vert-x 合併 Facebook Gmail 登入帳號

Android Development admin SDK bulk import from CSV: 1) batched writes are limited to 500 documents per write, and no more than 1 write per second 2) Memory limit 最容易出問題的應該是 counter 這一個地方,如果write同一筆資料的頻率太頻繁會炸,如果沒有那麼常write應該還行

Add to Database Retrieve from Database Firebase Admin Accessing Database from the Python Admin SDK Hacking Real Time Messaging update claps demo multi function: hosting + database - friendlychat start with Firebase Web Codelab + Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions Codelab Firebase Predictions: behaviour of users in your app A/B Testing

firebase python module tutorial plone_demo portlet React + Firebase

Pyrebase Integration Tutorial

import pyrebase
config = {
  "apiKey": "apiKey",
  "authDomain": "",
  "databaseURL": "",
  "storageBucket": "",
  "serviceAccount": "path/to/serviceAccountCredentials.json"
firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(config)

The Definitive Guide to Firebase: Build Android Apps on Google's Mobile Platform - Real-World Example: Handling Zoomable Images

import deepzoom

SOURCE = "sk10x10-3.png"
creator = deepzoom.ImageCreator(tile_size=128, tile_overlap=2, tile_format="png", image_quality=0.8, resize_filter="bicubic")

creator.create(SOURCE, "sk.dzi")

Promises JavaScript

RNFirebase core module was not found natively on iOS, ensure you have correctly included the RNFirebase pod in your projects `Podfile` and have run `pod install`. See for the ios setup guide.

Hosting: custom domain


Hit The Ground with Vue.js

Arduino Uno LM35 IoT Tutorial

GeoFire HTML5 Geolocation API Geolocation Tracking
